Friday 13 June 2014

Day 60!

So the 60 days has come to a close. Most of you looking at this page won’t even read these words. Evidence and judgement is all you came here for, and so you will have it. The Fit Test results are in, and there is no denying the huge fitness improvements. More importantly (as promised) the video evidence is yours to judge. We have given you progress photos, but as the internet is speckled with one genuine progress photo to every 100 which have been enhanced by posture, lighting, or outright Photoshop… we have gone a step further. Transformation photos are often there to sell a product, providing ‘evidence’ for an exaggerated claim (“Get BeyoncĂ©’s booty in just under a week”, “lose 60 pound in ONLY 10 days!”…you get the idea). Although these photos may provide much needed motivation, we are all guilty of comparing ourselves to others and the problem occurs when we let this comparison stop OUR improvement.
However small the visible improvements, these videos are for your inspiration and our continued motivation. By no means are we claiming this was easy. You cannot go from 60 switch kicks to over 100 in 60 seconds without putting the work in! NO, we didn’t get these improvements in just 60 days. We got them in 60 days of extreme effort and dedication. This was not an extreme calorie restricted craze, with the end photo as the definitive goal. Fitness crazes come and go, but only our determination and life change will make the weight loss/improvement stick in the long term. Yes these fitness results happened quickly, but by no means do we intend for them to be final or temporary!

We aim to increase our fitness further whilst enjoying the pleasures in life (chocolate cake and all). For now a 1 week holiday begins, but our return will be greeted by round TWO of INSANITY plus extras to keep it varied. We have had over 1500 hits on this blog. If it motivated just one person to start working-out and improve their fitness then its purpose has been exceeded. Thanks to all the readers and if you liked the blog, please leave comments, post it on your wall or to others!

Wednesday 11 June 2014

If It's Important to You, You Will Find a Way. If Not, You'll Find an Excuse.


We are heading towards the finish line with only a few days left! The 4th fit test, to our surprised, showed improvements on numbers we thought were our personal best.  Seeing these results have only motivated us more and although we are looking forwards to the final fit test and physical results (we hope they are visible!), we do not intend to stop. As cheesy as this sounds, the routine is part of our lives now. Like a baby, the workout has come before a night out, before dates and before sleep. For over a week now, we have been able to keep up, we haven’t felt aches (no sign of shin splints for me) and we haven’t needed that rest day. Having minimal breaks in a workout plan may seem intense and counterintuitive but by not giving yourself a break, you trick yourself into knowing what’s coming every day until the routine becomes a habit. The question is, when round one of INSANITY is complete; will we need to step it up and do more in order to increase our fitness further?

Our future plan is to mix the week up and do INSANITY, gym classes (Kettle bells, Boxercise etc) and maybe another program (T25?). Re-doing month 2 of INSANITY long term would cause havoc on both muscles and bones due to the intensity. We have treated this first round of INSANITY as a huge kick start to our fitness improvement.

For those of you who are doing INSANITY for the first time…KEEP IT UP! That day 60 may seem a lifetime away when the sweat is already streaming during the warm up…but as you work towards day 60, pushing yourself, building physical strength and losing excess weight, your confidence, discipline and determination will increase.